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Extend Your Gardening Season with Early Spring Blooming Perennials

Lenten Rose (Helleborus) blooms in April-May. The deeply-lobed semi-evergreen foliage forms a clump that looks nice all year long. Depending on the cultivar they reach 12-24” tall and wide. Flower colors can be white, yellow, rose, maroon or purple.
Pasque Flower (Anemone pulsatilla) also blooms April-May. It is a low growing plant for the front of a border. It typically reaches 10-12” tall and wide. When done flowering the plant produces interesting feathery seed heads and the entire plant is covered with soft, silvery hairs. Plants continue to look good through the summer, although the leaves may die back in late summer.
Lungwort or Bethlehem Sage (Pulmonaria) blooms in May. The plants are best known for their distinctive spotted semi-evergreen foliage. The flowers can be shades of pink, white, purple and blue depending on the cultivar. Plants are typically 8-12” tall and do best in part to full shade.
Peony is the great for a big pop of spring color! Peonies come in a wide variety of colors and large single or double flowers. Plants get 2-3’ tall and wide so give them plenty of room. Supports can be used to keep heavy flowers upright.
All are nice additions for early color and to compliment spring blooming bulbs.


(Anemone pulsatilla)